Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Run or Dye!

Alright, so #11 on my list of things to do this year is: Run a 5K. And.... it's done!

Finish line picture!
Technically, I didn't run the whole thing, ok, or even most of it. However, Taylor and I did our best, and it's officially marked off my bucket list :)

My good friend Taylor and I after the dye drill.
The race was called Run or Dye, held at Frostburg State University in Maryland. 

I'm still washing dye out of my hair 4 days later. :D

In conclusion, it was a fun day! And, I never thought I'd say this (I think I said the opposite during the actual 5K part), but I'd probably do it again. If you have a chance, sign up! It's worth it!

1/2 Way Mark

Halfway through my month of no sugar and this is what I have to say. Diet Cheerwine, it may have no sugar, but it tastes like death! Seriously, don't waste your money on it... Turns out, there is no substitute for real Cheerwine.

Monday, June 2, 2014

June Challenge

For June, I'm combining two challenges. (I'm starting today, I forgot to plan ahead, so I'm starting on June 3rd instead of 1st, no judgement.) Anyway, the two challenges are: no sugar and no fast food.

The no sugar is pretty general, no added sugar, I'll use artificial sweeteners if necessary. But, you know, that means no ice cream, or cookies, or Marshmallow Mateys cereal if I feel snackish. Or, realistically, I'm at home alone, and I don't want to cook, so CEREAL! So, that'll be somewhat miserable.

The second one, no fast food, is to teach myself to plan ahead more. I am often too lazy or just plain forget about packing a lunch, so then I usually just grab something from a fast food place, because "I'm starving, and I thought I could last til I get home, but I can't, so I'll just run to KFC/Taco Bell, and, obviously, if I"m going there I have to get a Baja Blast and Cinnabon Delights, because they are amazing..."  And there you have my chain of justification for purchasing the ridiculously unhealthy food I then stuff in my face... So, this challenge will be really good for me. I'll likely eat a lot healthier (obviously, no sugar..), and I know I'll save a lot of money. Also, I might start consistently packing a lunch. All good things, yea?

So, wish me luck. If you see me this month and I seem even grouchier than normal, assume it's because I'm in sugar withdrawal and I would basically do anything for some ice cream. ;)

Photo A Day: Lots of Photos

While I haven't been updating this, I have been taking the pictures. :) If you are observant you'll notice I missed a couple days, but whatever...

8: a smell you adore

I love the smell of water!
9: something you do everyday

Everyday I'm driving...

10: a favorite word

Snelfie: sneezing while taking a selfie. This word just cracks me up!

11: kitchen

Making pretzels in the kitchen

12: something that makes you happy

Doing pretty much anything with these people.

13: mum

Mom knitting, she calls it her stress reliever.

14: grass

Not just grass, but the grass in these woods is beautiful!

15: love

Dinner with my dear sisters and littlest nephew.

16: what you're reading

17: snack

Is there a better snack than Strite's donuts?

18: something you made

This is a throwback, the start of a comfort top.

19: a favourite place

Mt. Storm (and the drive to get there) is quickly becoming a favorite place. It is so gorgeous that there are no words to describe it's beauty.

20: something you can't live without

Words, I couldn't live without them, especially written words.

22: pink

There's pink in that sunset, right?

23: technology

25: unusual

While it has happened before, I don't usually have to duct tape my car ;)

27: something sweet

Lincoln, my nephew, who is a sweetie!
28: the weather today

The picture doesn't show it well, but the 28th was foggy, it didn't rain, but it was misty and just beautiful and perfect! I adore spring days like this. Look at how green everything is!
30: your personality

I guess my personality is random? Cause I have this picture... Does anyone else see the dragon? Cause I see it, and I thought it was pretty cool!!

31: something beautiful

My friends Amanda and Kyle got married on the 31st. It was a beautiful wedding, she was a beautiful bride, and is a beautiful person!