Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Years Resolutions, 21 Things, and Procrastination

     So, New Years' Resolutions... I realize it is now quite past the beginning of the New Year, so maybe one of my resolutions should be to stop procrastinating. It's not though. 

Weirdly enough, although I'm terrible at them, I love New Years' resolutions. I literally spend all year thinking about what my resolutions will be for next year. Logically, I can't start a resolution in March or July, now can I? So, if you look through my old planners or snoop through my phone, you will find random lists of "Possible New Years Resolutions." Granted, I never have actually written down and purposefully tried to a New Years' Resolution before, so this is new. I just really like the idea of them. Like I said at the beginning, I am terrible at them. This is probably because I assume I'll remember them, then I don't, because I didn't write them down, and so they fall by the wayside quickly. Actually, though, if you look at #1 on the list, I have started on my list and have kept it up for 8 days (thanks to a handy-dandy check list ;) )

     Alright, now you know how these things work for me. But, it's a new year, right? The perfect time for new beginnings. Also, I turned 21 (yay! now I'm an adult! which makes this the perfect time to start making resolutions and life goals, yeah?). One time during the summer I started writing down life goals (ok, a bucket list in the form of what do I want to do before I'm 30; aka, before I get too old and settled to do things). I didn't get 30 things.. Then, I didn't use S-Note (where I compiled the list) on my phone for like 5 months, and when my phone updated, S-Note stopped working and I realized I couldn't access my bucket list and felt quite depressed, because I wanted to use that Note to get ideas for this post, then, finally I figured it out and it's all good! I decided that for the New Year and my 21st birthday (since it's very close to the inchoation (#19) of the year), I would do a "21 Things to Do in my 21st Year" list. With no further, extremely wordy ado, here they are.

21 Things for my 21st Year

1. Do a 30 Day Challenge every month. 
2. Successfully fly a kite.
3. Read 100 books (audiobooks count!)
4. Read through the Bible.
5. Learn to play Chess.
7. Learn a new language, or at least start.
9. Update blog twice a month.
12. Learn to do 10 chin-ups in a row.
14. Go somewhere I've never been before.
15. Visit a museum.
16. Go to a drive-in movie theater.
17. Face a fear.
18. Sew/assemble/create costume for Ren fair & wear it to the Renaissance Fair.
19. Actually learn and use the "Word of the Day."
20. Memorize 1 Bible passage each month.
21. Watch a meteor shower (and actually see meteors).

Question for You:

- Any suggestions for 30 Day Challenges would be great!
- What are some of your resolutions, and are you usually successful at keeping them?

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