Thursday, June 13, 2013

Summer Days

     This week, two boys stayed with us for 3 days. It was great fun. Because of the rain, the creek was high. Which meant that we could go wading. That meant lots of splashing, building a dam and general fun, creekish stuff:) Here is a picture of our feet, as you can tell, sopping wet.

     Even though I'm used to peace and quiet around here, it was a nice change to have 2 live wires keeping all of us on our toes. 

     Today we made cookies. The boys were a big help, though they may have eaten more cookie dough than cookies;) Licking the beaters was the highlight for the younger one!

     You can guess that this week stayed pretty busy with the extra little people around. Since it rained a lot today, they had to be inside most of the day, we made cookies on our rainy day. But, it cleared up this afternoon/evening and we headed down to the creek again, per the request of 2 rambunctious young men.

     By the way, thanks to everyone who commented! I really enjoyed reading them:)

A Question For You:

What are some good rainy day activities? Any memories from when you were a kid? How about as an adult?


  1. A couple of my favorite activities when it's rainy are: reading, knitting & spinning, and splashing in the mud puddles in my mud boots! As a kid, I always liked to lay on my bed and listen as the rain hit the roof, and I still enjoy it to this day. ~Bekah

  2. I enjoy running in the rain.... Reading a book.... Cleaning or cooking... Scrapbooking.... But I know that's not really stuff you can do with two busy boys. Making roads with duct tape on the floor and driving Matchbox cars on it. Is something I like to do when I was a kid.
