Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Summer Begins

     I'm just going to start off by saying that I have no pictures. I'm terrible at remembering to take pictures, so here is a picture-less post. Let me amend that, a mostly picture-less post.

     I know summer hasn't technically started yet, but for me, if it's hot enough to feel like summer, grass needs mowing, we work in the garden, and I can go barefoot, then it's summer. Up until this week, I felt like I hadn't caught up from the end of the semester, like I just had lots to do. Summer is supposed to be when you relax and aren't too busy, right?!? Well, the last couple weeks haven't felt much that way.

     Thankfully, this week is starting to feel like summer is supposed to. To me summer is supposed to be busy (although, if it weren't I'd be fine with it), but not stressed. If I could just stay at home all summer I think I would be a happy camper. I'm a bit (ok a lot) of a homebody. My schedule is pretty settled, and I feel like I'm at least mostly caught up. I can finally just "be in summer." 

     Last week, while mowing I stepped on a nail. I was mowing grass without shoes, around a recently burnt scrap pile. I should have been wearing shoes, so I totally deserve the pain I've been in for the past couple days. I had to work Friday and Saturday, so I limped around like crazy all day. My tetanus shots are pretty up to date, so I'm not too worried about that, but I've been soaking it in water with Epsom salt a bunch. It hardly hurts anymore, but I did end up with a pretty nice bruise on top of my foot. In this picture you can see that my right foot is kind of puffy, it was taken on Friday.

     Since I have no pictures, I will just say that I have been busy mowing grass, going to work, sleeping in a bit, spending time with friends, reading (which is great, because I have so much to catch up on), stressing a bit about my future (there are a lot of colleges to choose from, am I right?), gathering eggs, and just enjoying summertime (at least as much as I can... I hate it when customers come in and talk about the beautiful day outside:/).

A Question for You: 

I figured I'd try a question. I know that there are only like 4 people who read this, but hey, y'all answer, ok? ;)

*What marks the beginning of summer for you? Do you go by the date, or just when it starts to feel like summer?


  1. I say summer starts when the trees are in full bloom, and the days and nights start to get hot. I don't really go by a certain day, but rather when God's creation says its time for summer!

  2. Summer is here when you want it to be. The date doesnt matter, nor the weather, nor the heat or cold summer is here when you want it to be. Thats what I believe summer is here to that person when they stop and think and say "yes it is summer now". thats my take on it.

  3. When the weather is hot and school is out. On that note, I have to take classes this "summer", so I'm not really sure how to act. I'm afraid I might not have my summer at all.

  4. It is summer for me when the cold spells end and I can start working on a tan by the pool. ;) I stubbornly persist in saying spring and summer when it feels that way to me, not when the calendar agrees.
