Monday, June 2, 2014

Photo A Day: Lots of Photos

While I haven't been updating this, I have been taking the pictures. :) If you are observant you'll notice I missed a couple days, but whatever...

8: a smell you adore

I love the smell of water!
9: something you do everyday

Everyday I'm driving...

10: a favorite word

Snelfie: sneezing while taking a selfie. This word just cracks me up!

11: kitchen

Making pretzels in the kitchen

12: something that makes you happy

Doing pretty much anything with these people.

13: mum

Mom knitting, she calls it her stress reliever.

14: grass

Not just grass, but the grass in these woods is beautiful!

15: love

Dinner with my dear sisters and littlest nephew.

16: what you're reading

17: snack

Is there a better snack than Strite's donuts?

18: something you made

This is a throwback, the start of a comfort top.

19: a favourite place

Mt. Storm (and the drive to get there) is quickly becoming a favorite place. It is so gorgeous that there are no words to describe it's beauty.

20: something you can't live without

Words, I couldn't live without them, especially written words.

22: pink

There's pink in that sunset, right?

23: technology

25: unusual

While it has happened before, I don't usually have to duct tape my car ;)

27: something sweet

Lincoln, my nephew, who is a sweetie!
28: the weather today

The picture doesn't show it well, but the 28th was foggy, it didn't rain, but it was misty and just beautiful and perfect! I adore spring days like this. Look at how green everything is!
30: your personality

I guess my personality is random? Cause I have this picture... Does anyone else see the dragon? Cause I see it, and I thought it was pretty cool!!

31: something beautiful

My friends Amanda and Kyle got married on the 31st. It was a beautiful wedding, she was a beautiful bride, and is a beautiful person! 

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