Saturday, June 22, 2013


     This week was full of family time! From Martha coming to slave in the garden visit on Monday, to my spending the night at her and David's house twice, to a picnic at the park this evening. This week has been full of family:) 

Here is Camden enjoying some Grandma time!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Summer Days

     This week, two boys stayed with us for 3 days. It was great fun. Because of the rain, the creek was high. Which meant that we could go wading. That meant lots of splashing, building a dam and general fun, creekish stuff:) Here is a picture of our feet, as you can tell, sopping wet.

     Even though I'm used to peace and quiet around here, it was a nice change to have 2 live wires keeping all of us on our toes. 

     Today we made cookies. The boys were a big help, though they may have eaten more cookie dough than cookies;) Licking the beaters was the highlight for the younger one!

     You can guess that this week stayed pretty busy with the extra little people around. Since it rained a lot today, they had to be inside most of the day, we made cookies on our rainy day. But, it cleared up this afternoon/evening and we headed down to the creek again, per the request of 2 rambunctious young men.

     By the way, thanks to everyone who commented! I really enjoyed reading them:)

A Question For You:

What are some good rainy day activities? Any memories from when you were a kid? How about as an adult?